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Students, parents, caregivers, and community members are excited about the benefits of yoga. Here are some experiences with Uniquely Grounded Yoga.

"Yoga helps me keep everything in perspective; it helps me destress.  College can be a stressful environment and yoga helps me stay in the moment." 

                     Twenty-two year-old college senior

"Lauren helped my son use yoga and mindfulness to calm his anxiety.  These are skills he’ll have for a lifetime.  Lauren’s private lessons are especially nice for someone who wants to try yoga but isn’t comfortable going to a gym.   We highly recommend Lauren and Uniquely Grounded Yoga!"


                    Mother of a College Student

Yoga Child's Pose
Yoga Class
Yoga Class


I have known Lauren Sipe for several years through our respective work in health and wellness on behalf of Prince  George’s County Public Schools students and staff. During her years as a guidance counselor at Arrowhead Elementary School, Lauren invited Maryland SNAP-Ed to provide nutrition education to the school community through classroom instruction and the sponsorship of their school garden. She also led the school’s recognition by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and Let’s Move Active Schools.


When Lauren informed me she completed her certification as a wellness coach and yoga instructor, I immediately thought of her when offering worksite wellness at one of my sites.


Lauren led educators and staff through a series of evening yoga classes. This was immensely appreciated as those working in school communities have been tasked with Herculean efforts during the pandemic. Participants (including myself) looked forward to “Yoga Thursdays” and taking a moment to decompress. The routines varied each week and were enjoyed by all.


Deborah Archer

Project Leader/Nutrition Educator 

University of Maryland Extension 

Maryland SNAP-Ed


"When I first started class today I was unhappy, and now I feel happy"

                                     Drew, Yoga Student

Yoga Class

"I feel less anxious, I notice with yoga my anxiety is so much better." 

                                      Kayla, Yoga Student

"I find yoga really calming, it gets me awake. It is so peaceful!

                                             Sami, Yoga Student


"Having Lauren come and do yoga with our group has provided us with many benefits.  Besides the physical benefits of yoga, I see firsthand how yoga can help calm some of my more energetic participants. It also helps refocus everyone as we move throughout our day.  I love our yoga class days!"


                                                                                Pamela Willey

                                                                                Executive Director

                                                                                The Connection


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